Dr. Yinoussa Adagolodjo

Dr. Yinoussa Adagolodjo
Assistant professor at the University of Lille
Parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne, 40 Avenue Halley, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Programming in C++/C

Mathematical tools for analysis, modeling and simulation.

Programming in Shell and Fortran
Parallel Programming

CUDA, MPI and OpenMP

SOFA Framework

Postdoctoral Fellow
Defrost team at INRIA LilleSince july 2019

I am working on the ROBOCOP (ROBOtization of COchlear imPlant) project.

Research ingeneer
Defrost team at INRIA Lille03/2019-06/2020

Involved in CPER projet, which aimed to develop Intensive simulations of numerical models of deformable robots, based on SOFA framework, on a cluster.

PhD in Medical Robotics and Simulation at University Of Strasbourg/France2015-2018

Project: CONECT (Couplage de la rObotique et de la simulatioN médicalE pour des proCédures automaTisées)

Master degree in High Performance Computing, Simulation, specialized in scientific computing at University Of Lille 1/France2012-2014

Project: Parallel implementation of new calculations and functionalities in molecular dynamics code.


Master Degree in Mathematics
Master Degree in Mathematics at University Of Lomé2005-2011